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özdemir murat pınar studyo film dizi reklam yapım


is a platform that aims to bring together the perspectives of music and science. It aims to scientifically explain the positive effects of all vibrations (sound and light vibrations, particle and wave behavior) on human consciousness, body and brain.

You can listen to my albums and film music published with the artist label ÖZDEMİR on the Soundtrack page.

The science section is supported by my quantum - chemistry, physics and biology oriented researches related to phonon and photon behaviors.

We focus on discovering the power of sound and vibrations, phonon and photon effects, boson and fermion effects and explaining

how they can make a difference in human life.​
Murat Pınar Özdemir
Engineer - Artist - Writer

Okan University
Media and Music Lecturer.


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Temel Parlak / Mühendis / Tubitak

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